Three Indicators It’s Time to Begin a Spiritual Practice


We all go through seasons of feeling like we are not doing enough for God. We feel the tension of needing something new, the discomfort of feeling far from God, or dwindling mental clarity. We know something has got to give.

Is it time to begin a spiritual practice? Consider these three indicators:

1. Feeling Disconnected

Feeling distant from God lately? Having a hard time relating to the people in your life? When our relationships that were once strong and life-giving slowly begin feeling disconnected, it can be frustrating to say the least. This could be an indication that deeper emotions or questions are hiding beneath the surface.

When feeling disconnected, try fasting.

Through the ancient Christian practice of fasting, we refrain from one task in order to indulge in connecting with God. Through fasting, we reposition our concentration and learn which aspects of our lives are controlling us.

What to fast from? Some common options are: non-nutritious food, shopping, social media, noise, hurry, excessive talking, or entertainment. Think about what takes up most of your time, then replace that habit with a practice of prayer, study, or worship.

2. Unmotivated by Regular Joy-Givers

Sometimes even our greatest sources of happiness can turn unfulfilling. Suddenly our regular Bible study feels like a chore, our morning prayer feels stale, or our leisure activities feel monotonous. While it’s normal to go through changes in our interests, it could be an indicator that our spiritual life needs a little refresh.

Try a practice of celebration.

Celebration is all about a change in perspective. When we intentionally celebrate our life in God, our routines and rhythms take on a new layer of excitement. To train our souls toward celebration, we can start with a gratitude list. By writing a couple of things in a gratitude list each day, we can begin noticing the good things in our lives and automatically thank God for them. Also, try creating small moments of celebration throughout the week such as learning a new dance, playing board games on Friday nights with friends, or reading books with your kids. Even this small shift in routine can make a big impact on our attitude.

3. Thoughts Feel Jumbled

There could be any number of explanations for our thoughts to feel out whack—including mental health reasons. Our thoughts may periodically need a refocus. When going through a life transition or time of stress, it could be helpful to consider a spiritual practice that centers your mind on Christ.

Most people are familiar with secular meditation—the idea of emptying the mind. Christian meditation, however, is focused on filling the mind with Christ. It is often described as the listening side of prayer. Try meditating on a passage of Scripture by reading it over and over, acknowledging that the passage has something to say about us and God. Begin by setting a timer, meditating in the same place, and adjusting posture for focus.

It might be tempting to try multiple practices at once. We we can often fall into believing that we should do as much as possible to grow in our relationship with God. Trying more than two practices at a time will likely lead to more frustration. Focus on one or two practices at a time. As we learn to abide in Christ and listen to the voice of God, we will know when it’s time to change course.

Anna Rachel Bolch

Anna Rachel is dedicated to helping others keep life with God simple, but never shallow. She believes all of life is sacred and strives to help others notice the presence of God in their everyday lives. She writes with a teaching mindset, helping point others toward a meaningful life with God through spiritual practice guides and reflections. You can find her at or on Instagram at @annarachelbolch.

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